Bing Ads has recently announced that they will be updating their US display ads platform to include close variants within their exact match ads. This means that when you set up a single keyword, they will automatically include a variety of keywords that have the same meaning.
For example, if you are promoting running shoes and you set up a campaign to display your ad when people type “Running Shoes” in the Bing search engine, your ad will also display when people type in “Running Shoe” (Singular rather than plural). This is a great feature since it can really help save time compared to having to set each individual word up, and it can also help identify variants of words that you may not have thought of.
You can see the below chart that was provided by Bing to get a good understanding of exactly what will be included in the exact match searches.
As you can see, all of these keywords have the exact same meaning as the specific keyword specified. This helps to ensure that the change won’t cause marketers to lose money on keywords that they are not interested in. And, Bing will allow you to opt out of this feature if you want to retain full control over every aspect of your ads.
At this point this feature is only available for US customers, but it is likely that Bing Ads will roll it out to other nations over time, assuming the program is popular and successful.
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