For anyone already advertising in the United States, it should feel like a natural progression to extend that advertising into Canada. The time is ripe to start considering crossing the northern border into Canada, if it is something you haven’t already implemented. Statistics show that at least 75% of Canadian citizens live within a hundred miles of the US border. Canada, ranked as the world’s most stable economy for six years running by the World Economic Forum, has posted the strongest growth since the global recession of 2008 and is viewed by many businesses as a natural extension to their American advertising territory. For more information, take a look at the Bing Ads Blog’s white paper, Cross-Border E-Commerce in Canada.
Canada is the world’s largest trading partner with the UK, aside from the US.
The flows that provide insights to those companies interested in increasing revenue, according to McKinsey Global Institute, are: Goods, Services, Finance, People, and Data and Communication. These five “global flows” of trade are connecting the world economy, across borders. The flows are:
- 35%, or 1 out of every 3 goods make their way across borders.
- Accenture estimates that the bottom line of retailers will grow by up to 25%, if they include cross-border sales with their online sales.
- Internet traffic alone has increased by 18 times over the past seven years, making up ⅕ of all internet traffic.
- 90% of the commercial sellers on eBay are exporting to other countries. 25% of these sellers are small businesses.
Consumers and businesses are growing more and more indifferent to where their goods are coming from. An opportunity arises to utilize this changing attitude. Especially since Canada is ranked 8th on the McKinsey Global Institute Connectedness Index. Which is an index that measures 131 countries across all five flows of trade. The flow value of Canada, a combination of its cross-border revenue activity inside and outside of the country, is about $1.4 billion USD, making it an ideal market to target for campaigns across the border.
Check out the Location Targeting page on the Bing Ads site to get started with new campaigns directed at a Canadian audience.
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