Bing ads is launching a new service that will help to improve performance for all its customers. Equipped with faster turnaround times, you will now be able to see your clicks and impressions in less than an hour of them occurring. You will have the ability to have data arrive at your fingertips 10 times faster than before.
Bing ads all new dashboard functions allow you to see your performance almost immediately. You can have the added luxury to quickly view graphs of your latest campaign while viewing your impressions and click performance reports showing you data up to the latest hour. To set up the new faster data collection, you will see a page like this:
As a reminder if you utilize the Bing Ads Reporting API feature, then you will need to set a flag on API calls specifying that you want to see data as it arrives in real time.
So What’s Faster in New Bing Ads?
There is a full list of data that Bing made faster for its customers to streamline more efficiently and effectively across its platform. They accelerated its data about ad impressions and user clicks while upgrading the performance reports to be readily available in an hours’ time. You can see a significant difference now in the following:
- Keyword – Website Placement
- Ad – Destination URL
- Campaign – Rich Ad Component
- Adgroup – Ad Extension by Keyword
- Account – Ad Dynamic Text
- Product Offer – Ad Extensions by Ad
- Product Target – Ad Extension Details
Some reports were not made faster at this time like search terms, targeting reports, campaign analytics reports and a few more. Bing Ads’ new service is intended to help make data visible in the reports mentioned above because of significant amount of usage they collect from its user base. Bing looks to focus on what their users deem to be the most important for their businesses’ needs and make it as transparent as possible. If your campaign goes live at 9:00am EST, then you could expect to start reviewing reporting data at around 9:20 to 9:30 EST.
As Bing continuously improves their platform, we as customers have something great to look forward to from Bing Ads in the next few years. Bing plans on accelerating other data in future releases as they are continually surveying its customers on what would be most beneficial to their business. We can expect to see some of these changes take place in the next few years.
As always all Bing ad users can still enjoy Bing’s traditional features within their dashboard comparing two different metrics and time periods as well as undoing changes in the history tab.
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