When most people think about income taxes, they aren’t thinking about how to properly advertise or market their services. Even if you’re not H&R Block, however, you may be able to capitalize on this important annual event with the right advertising. Each year at this time millions of people start receiving their W2’s and other tax documents, and want to get them filed as soon as possible so that they can get their returns back. BingAds has published some insights on how brands can capitalize on this time of the year harnessing their digital ads.
The key thing to remember is that even if you don’t offer tax related services, you can likely still benefit from having so many people looking at their finances. For example, when people do their taxes, they often also look at their monthly bills for other things. This is a major time of year, for example, for people to switch insurance companies because they want to save some extra money.
In addition, you may be able to market to the millions of people who are now filing their taxes electronically. In fact, about 86% of people filed electronically in 2014, and that number is expected to go up slightly again this year.
In order to best capitalize on the behavior of consumers this time of year, BingAds has put together a slideshow that will help you to best market your business. Many people may be surprised at just how much potential there is in marketing during the income tax season. Flip through this slideshow to see if your business can take advantage of this exciting time of year.
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